Growing in Independence - ChristianHorizons
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Growing in Independence

Fall 2022

Sam-Steve in Uganda, 2022

Written by: Mark Wallace, Executive Director of Organizational Culture & International Partners

Christian Horizons Global works in six countries outside of Canada, funding inclusive schools, nutrition programs, and initiating community outreach to educate people about disabilities to promote communities of belonging. Part of our community outreach includes providing assistive devices, like the wheelchair that Sam-Steve received from our partners in Uganda.

Sam-Steve is a 17-year-old living outside Kampala City, Uganda, with his parents and four brothers. He is a high school student who enjoys school. In addition to learning, he also enjoys the weekly discipleship, counselling, and empowerment programs offered by our partners at his school. During a follow-up meeting at his home, we learned that Sam-Steve’s wheelchair was broken beyond repair.

“I entirely relied on my friends to carry me around the school,” said Sam-Steve. He said he realized that it was not only a challenge to him but to his friends and his parents, who had to accompany him to the many programs offered at his school.

Sam-Steve was so excited to be able to go back to school with a wheelchair and the ability to move around by himself. “My prayers have been answered when I didn’t expect to have them answered. Thank you for being the answer to my prayers,” Sam-Steve said when he received his new wheelchair.

We are grateful for the support and generous contributions made to be able to meet this need. Assistive devices can empower people with disabilities to move around their communities more independently. Sam-Steve is grateful for a community of people that are willing to carry him but appreciates that assistive devices allow him to connect with people just as friends and equals.